Did you know that Bundu once was feared in Rivers State? It actually still is. Apparently there used to be a lot of violence and killings in the Bundu village. I remember the first day we were to enter the Bundu village. The Holy Spirit had nudged us to go and well we are at the gates, under this unexpected rain, all of a sudden, we started hearing from people “it's not safe, it’s not safe, don’t enter”. FAM, I don’t know how to explain it but a courage welled up inside me and the only thought that came to me was “are the people inside not important and worth it too, aren’t they worth hearing the gospel? I need to see it for myself to believe this..And if God is sending us there he’s GAT US!” Then with a female team member we went straight into Bundu and left the others...now of course they followed us minus two and we had A BLAST! We met the chairman who ended up being so nice, met the children who ran from their homes to their school where we had the first outreach, the chairman’s board was supportive and till today I still I’m wondering who are the “dangerous people they said were here”? Now granted, the next two years we have met their masquerades headlong who hold cutlasses, dress naked with some leaves to cover and paint themselves all black while incanting to their gods..We have heard from the chairman of how they killed some people and he had to mediate between families...and well it’s not like the violence completely disappeared...it’s just this...when we ENTER...the people of Bundu are incredibly nice to us and welcome the gospel and we believe that it will continue till EVERYONE in the village gives his/her life to Christ.
Whatever God will ask you to do will take courage. When God was asking Joshua to go into the Promised Land the two things he kept telling him was “be strong and courageous”(Joshua 1). It takes courage to keep believing God even when you don’t see what he promised yet and (eventually will see it)! It’s going to take courage to stare at yourself everyday and say “my family members will know the Lord”. It will take courage to believe that the baby you are carrying will reach full term regardless of cramps along the way. It will take courage to take care of your babies and grandbabies at home, loving and investing identity and worth in them WHILE supporting your husband from the background. It takes courage to believe that is important (because it is). It will take courage to go back to school and take a course. It will take courage to pay off debts or even believe for supernatural debt cancellation. It will take courage to believe that you will be married to your destiny husband/wife. Heck it will take courage to ask ehm out!! Hahah...it will take courage to leave a wrong relationship and courage to stand up to the people that ask “so what happened” can I get real? It will take courage to explain to people in the beginning of a business that this business will be very successful and is just in its day of “small beginnings”. Get the point?
We had one STEM Missions team mate who believed his wife would conceive and have her baby after two miscarriages. After the second miscarriage, he kept insisting that his wife would be fine even when doctors were diagnosing that she had infections and would never conceive..after two doctors said these words, he refused to believe their report went straight to God and asked God to intervene.By the time he went to the third doctor, this doctor said her womb was clean and very neat and ready for a baby. Where did the infections go? God had wiped them all away! Then she conceived and they just had their baby girl on March 23rd, 2023! hallelujah!! It took courage to believe..it took courage to stand on the promises of God against what he was seeing and hearing. And this faithful God cannot change himself. Nothing is too big for Him, so be courageous. Toss the mountain in the sea. Its not too big for the sea to carry. With or without you God can handle it..He is big enough..So toss it to him and keep moving
So courage is very important and as missionaries and supporters of missions we must always keep it in the front of our minds. Sometimes, cowardice/fear the opposite of courage, masks itself as “ taking more prayer, careful consideration, wisdom and advice”. Nothing is wrong with all those, yet we all know when we have gotten the peaceful nudge to make that right decision in the face of opposition and hide behind them”. While the former keeps us stuck in our tracks.the latter jolts us into destiny into making a difference with this IMMESE joy, peace and freedom!! Oh that you would feel it this new quarter more and more in Jesus’name.
Nevertheless, our courage isn’t foolishness. We know who is BACKING US! We know who has OUR BACK! Even our mistakes he turns around for our good (Romans 8:28) .That is how loyal God is to you. SO what do you have to loose with God on your side and loyal to you? He does not shame you..He helps you like he did with Peter when he stepped out on the waves to Jesus for the first time ever and eventually fell..Jesus picked him up and walked with him..and thatts what he will do to you if you fall or make a mistake along the way. You can always fall on the safety net of “God makes all things work together for my good”..so lets goo.
He promised in Romans 8:26-end that this “God turns all things around for your good” “If God be for you who can be against you” “Is it Christ who condemns, no he is making intercessions for us” and finally “”He who did not spare his own son for us, how will he not give us all things with him” SO WHO ONE EARTH, WHAT ON EARTH wants to stand up to you when GOD HAS YOUR BACK!
This is why we read our bible and trust the peaceful words of Holy Spirit and then believe them till they become reality, and well courage is a lot easier when you have Christian family behind you and that’s exactly what the stem family is for. We are here for you. Praying for you, supporting one another and believing in one another. So go ahead! We will be there in the journey and there to heart the testimony and laugh at the mistakes. And better still...when no one is there, .when no man is in sight GOD...your heavenly Father. The defender of your life and protector the one who watches over his word to perform it is right there with you. So step out dear one, lovely one, you can get on that adventure.
Dear Father,
“I don’t care how it looks
I don’t care what it takes
As long as YOU are with me
I know I can do anything
You have always had my back
You have always defended me
You have always been there to bring miracles
So what exactly does this situation seem like?
The turn of a new quarter of the year?
Lets gooooooo…I have no fear
Because you are there!
So my Darling heavenly Father...
I’ve packed my bags
Ready for the next adventure you have in this quarter”
“Be strong and courageous” (Joshua 1)
“If God be for you, who can be against you?” (Romans 8:26,end)
God loves you, you will be alright! Welcome to second Quarter…
Much love ,muah!