Day 15📕
Psalm 106:16-22
Ever wondered how David would praise God for things that happened in generations and time wayyy before he was born? Just in this scripture, He is praising God for what he did for Joseph? Sometimes, when it feels hard to praise God or you just can't simply find a reason, ever tried praising God for what He did in the lives of people way before you? Ever praised God for what He did through Martin Luther, Martin Luther King Jr, for Rockefeller, Courageous Christians in the Holocaust, your Grandma/Grandpa - men who also walked with God like you. When you do, you find that it's all connected - we all really are - it's all a beautiful tapestry of God's will coming to pass. The question is, "will you rise to the plate to play your part in history"? That perhaps, in the future, people would have a reason to Praise God if they just couldn't find one around them. Whatever it may cost, it's worth it stem family..take your thread in the beautiful tapestry of God's will. Selah
Bible study/prayers resumes on Thursday, November 14th - 6pm Texas time; 12am Nigerian time; 8am Japanese time on Google Meet. It will be powerful & short. Please join in, even if you have to listen quietly in the background. We would LOVE to have you.
Father, thank you for your plan for me in your great work on the earth. I rejoice that I get to do it with you. Thank you for the part you have me play in the Stem family - I give you my thread in your beautiful tapestry- NOW God use it for your GLORY and your praise from the mouths of people in future generations, in Jesus'[ name. Amen & Amen, Hallelujah!!