It’s funny how I ran like Jacob from my mission/calling for so many years. For as long as I remember, I have always lived a missional lifestyle - I have always wanted to be someone’s answer to prayer. From sending recurring donations as a college kid to help mission work in the world; to working as an RA, then CL to help kids in college; to working in the fundraising department, calling alumni to donate towards students’ scholarships in college; to going on actual mission trips; to leading prayer meetings for people; even my first job in the US as a landscaper (Gardener) I kept so I could have enough money to hang out with Japanese freshman and take them out to the movies and listen to their culture shock about living in America and somehow help them adjust. And now, just the other day earlier this year, my security guard to our apartment complex, brought his wife and two kids from the North to live with him in his little security shed. And I said to myself, “why he barley earns enough for himself, now he is going to feed three mouths? He should have left them on the farm not bring them to PH to suffer” and while I was thinking this, the Lord whispered “well they have you” and I said, “Lord, I’m fundraising for Bundu village, living on a budget, I can’t feed a family of 4, you know that, I’m helping an entire village” “But you can feed the kids’ breakfast two times a week” He said; then he added “what’s the point in going all the way to a village if you can’t show Jesus to people here”. So I agreed! Haha...and yall! Every time I buy the kids breakfast...the smile on their does something to me. It brings this joy and fulfillment inside. It makes me content. Almost as if I have reconfigured to “original design”. People ask how I can be so joyful all the time, while living in a country that is “not so blessed with luxuries” with challenges and trails to face every single day...being misunderstood by some family and well all that I face on the daily..And the answer is simple...I choose to be someone's answer to prayer...
I don't know how to explain really goes around. When you show someone kindness, it truly comes around (Luke 6:38). Just the other day I went to the bank to withdraw money for the Bundu Chairman and well, the bank didn’t have it (Banks here are having issues because they used our money to help corrupt politicians- please pray for US!) and I thought I would wait in faith that something would happen..well 10 minutes later, someone comes and pays in the exact amount of what I needed...when he came, the banker lady and I smiled at each other and she said “now you can withdraw what you need haha” see, this man was being my answer to truly goes round. I never saw that man again, maybe he was an angel? Or just purely God sent? You see Jesus said that when we touch the least of these we touch him,
“ And he will place the sheep on his right, but the goats on the left. 34 Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ 37 Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? 38 And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? 39 And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ 40 And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers,[f] you did it to me.’ “
Matthew 25:33-40
It’s remotely impossible for Jesus not to return the favor, it’s in his nature to out give you. And when the enemy whispers like he did to me “I can’t meet every need”/…well remind him you are connected to Jesus...the abundant source who always has and never runs dry and Jesus will always move your heart on who to bless. So when your heart moves to the person next to you, or to pay for someone’s ride, or to buy a drink or meal for the car behind you, or to even go as far as pay for someone’s fees, help missions in the world or just about something small as smile at someone, hug someone or pray for someone, don’t close your heart, open your heart, be someone’s answer to prayer. You will feel great, like what you were meant to be...your original design... and it will go around. It always goes around. Try it today and see for yourself! then try it this week..then always. Be someone’s answer to prayer fam.
I woke up this week with this song in my was this song that sparked this devotional...enjoy!
Someone’s Answer to Prayer
I have someone
Oh someone (3x)
And His name is Jesus
I am someone
Oh Someone (3x)
I am someone to someone
Oh Someone
To help your kingdom
Wash away the fear
That you will not be there
It is not in your nature to leave me alone
Wash away the fear
Of “what about that lonely day”
Open my eyes to see that you were there
Wash away the fear
That no one was there for me
Open my eyes to see how it worked for my good
Wash away the fear of what will people say
Open my ears to hear only your voice
Saying “Well done”:
And now so many seeds on my fields
So many seeds on my fields
I’m seeing them now
The sun has come and the rain is falling
The harvest is very very soon
And with a smile, you say go and pick
Go and pluck
Look at your fruit
With the harvest you say
Look around, see what we did
We grew kingdom!!!!
We grew kingdom!!!!
Well done!!
We are someone someone
To someone’s
Answered prayer
Someone to someone’s
Answered prayer
Someone, someone to someone
So be that someone today and nowwwww
So be that someone today and tomorroww
So be that someone always, till you see me (Jesus)….
Much Love,