Isaiah 61:1
“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me,
because the Lord has anointed me”
Sometimes, when we are faced with something that seems TOO BIG for us. Perhaps a big task or a need that requires BIG finances or perhaps you are praying for a loved one whose heart is wounded and his/her healing/transformation seems SO BIG or may be a physical healing? Sometimes when faced with these situations we may be tempted to give up...or just leave it and not invade and bring change. That’s WHY God sent his Spirit – to help us (Acts 1:8). The Spirit of God is called the Helper. He is called the comforter. It is the presence of the Holy Spirit that brings us help...He is the one that comforts people through us. We are never left alone. Never left without help. That’s why we can go to unthreaded places...start new businesses...start that project with 20% in your account, go on vacation because the Lord has sent help. Even Jesus couldn’t do anything unless he was anointed. When the anointing of God comes on you, God’s help comes too. You find God talking to people for you. You find yourself getting wisdom you didn’t have before. Miracle finances still happen with this help. You find angels ministering to the loved ones you couldn’t reach to on your own.We have heard of people (strangers) talking to/advising loved ones or family members having dreams. We have had testimonies of people getting promotions they honestly didn’t deserve or experiencing such speed with their desires met. After last week’s prayers, one sister said in one day all her ex-es started reaching out to her from NO WHERE and she met new prospects! When the situation changes from where is he to “which one is it”.haha!
You are experiencing this help from God too. It’s just normal now to you haha! Its normal until you meet someone that doesn’t have holy spirit.
So how do you access this help? It’s simple! Simply ask him (Mark 11:24). “Hoy Spirit have your way, I’m yielded to you and your leading; God help me with this; God bless me the wisdom for this; God provide for this; Angels of God go before me; God defend me in Jesus’ name ” It’s a beautiful thing to have help. Today that help exists for us how about asking for it. God has anointed you. The spirit of the Lord is on you. And HE is here to stay. You are not the same again...You are God’s hands and feet on this earth and God is helping you through His sweet Holy Spirit. So go ahead with His anointing...Dream again, truly live and make a difference. Then tell us all about it!
With you I can breathe
With you I can try again
With you I can dream again
With you I can live
With you I can help people
With you, I am never alone
My helper, my friend
Thank you for always being there..